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County Treasurer

County Treasurer:

Orrin Hargrave

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    Reason for Inquiryrequired

Chief Deputy Treasurer:

Rebecca Cockrell

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    Phone Numberrequired
    Reason for Inquiryrequired
Phone: 936-642-1443
Fax: 936-642-0578

Mission Statement: The Trinity County Treasurer’s office is to assure the financial integrity of public funds, through implementing “best practices” and complying with all applicable laws regarding, investments, disbursements and collections of public funds so the taxpayer can be confident in the accuracy and accountability of their tax dollars all while helping Trinity County achieve its strategic objectives.

Vision Statement: The vision of the Trinity County Treasurer’s office is to be the most efficient, innovative, and transparent agency within Trinity County.

Duties of the County Treasurer:

Employee Retirement System: