Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you


County Judge
Danny R. Martin

Mail:  P. O. Box 457
Physical: 162 West 1st St
Groveton, Texas  75845

Ofc: 936.642.1746
Fax:  936.642.1046

Justice of the Peace PCT 4
Richard Steptoe

Mail:  P.O. Box18
Physical: 133 JP-4 Rd.
Apple Springs, Texas  75926

Ofc: 936.831.3778
Fax:  936.831.3779

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Mission Statement: Trinity County's Office of Emergency Management's (O.E.M.) mission is to minimize loss of life and personal injury, damage to property and the environment from disasters. We strive to accomplish this through a continuing program of outreach, coordination, planning, training, and exercising, for "all hazards" and for all four phases of emergency management --mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery


Turn Around Don't Drown!~ Flood Water Do's & Don'ts

Emergency Text Alerts